August 6, 2024

Deep Dive: MegaVault

Deep Dive: MegaVault


  • MegaVault is a user-facing feature that enables dYdX Chain users to deposit USDC to provide liquidity to markets and receive yield in return
  • MegaVault uses deposited USDC to automatically market-make across various markets
  • MegaVault is under active development and will be released in the coming months. Functionality mentioned is subject to change.


MegaVault is a user-facing feature which will enable dYdX Chain users to deposit USDC, provide liquidity to various markets and earn yield in return. The deposited USDC is used to run automated market-making strategies across dYdX Chain markets.

Users will be able to deposit USDC into MegaVault anytime and start accruing yield immediately. Users will be able to withdraw their USDC from the vault at any time.

Yield can come from various sources: PnL on vault positions, trading fee revenue shares, and other potential incentives devised by the community and software deployers.

An “operator”, elected via governance, manually handles operational tasks such as moving USDC between markets and adjusting parameters.

MegaVault will give deployer communities a tool to dramatically improve the trading experience on all markets by enabling the protocol to scale liquidity on any market. At the same time, it provides users an attractive option to earn yield.  

Vault Mechanics

At a technical level, MegaVault will operate multiple “sub-vaults.” A “sub-vault” uses deposited USDC to run an automated market-making strategy for a given market.

When users deposit USDC into MegaVault, it will allocate the deposited USDC to market-specific “sub-vaults.” Yield generated across all “sub-vaults'' will be aggregated and distributed to the MegaVault depositors.

Deposits and Withdrawals

Users will be able deposit USDC into MegaVault at any time and start earning yield immediately. At a high-level, depositors can think of deposits as owning a percentage of the vault’s net equity (i.e. vault’s USDC and position values).

In the initial version of MegaVault, users will be able to withdraw from MegaVault at any time after depositing, though users may experience “slippage” based on MegaVault’s status and positions as well as market conditions.

In future iterations, withdrawals could be subject to potential lockup periods or other restrictions in certain scenarios. For example, deposits linked to new market listings could require the deposits to be locked up for X days.


Initially, MegaVault will require a few manual operations, such as:

1. Moving USDC between market-specific “sub-vaults”

2. Adjusting “sub-vault” parameters that control the vault’s quoting strategy and behaviors (i.e. how defensive or aggressive the quoting strategy is and the size of quotes).

An “operator,” assigned via governance, handles these tasks.

In future iterations of dYdX Chain software, an “operator” may no longer be necessary as the feature becomes more fully automated.


  1. Where does the MegaVault yield come from?

Yield can come from various places. Examples include: PnL on vault positions, funding rate payments, trading fee revenue share, and other protocol incentives.

Certain parameters, such as what portion of trading fee revenue to share with MegaVault, can be configured by governance or any deployer of the dYdX Chain software.

2. Can MegaVault depositors lose money?

Yes. MegaVault does not guarantee positive yield, as it depends on many factors including market conditions, vault positions, etc. For example, if the vault has a long position and the price drops, then the vault’s net equity decreases. In this example, the depositor’s percent ownership of the vault remains the same, but the value of the ownership decreases.

3. How much yield can depositors expect?

Yield is not guaranteed. This is because the performance of the MegaVault depends on many factors that are outside of the protocol’s control.

4. What sort of restrictions can be placed on withdrawals?

The initial version of the software feature will have no restrictions on withdrawals. Future iterations may allow for lockup periods in certain scenarios such as withdrawals linked to new market listings. More details will be provided in the future.

5. Why would withdrawals incur “slippage?”

When withdrawing from MegaVault, “slippage” can occur due to increased leverage from collateral outflows or the need to close positions to cover withdrawal outflows.

6. Will users be able to directly interact with “sub-vaults?”

No – not initially at least. Users cannot directly deposit into or withdraw from “sub-vaults.”

7. When will MegaVault be available?

MegaVault is in active development and will be available in the coming months.

About dYdX and Terms

Here at dYdX, our mission is to democratize access to financial opportunity. We believe that v4 software will represent notable progress in service of that mission. The events in the global economy that have transpired over the last year have only reinforced the need for open, transparent, and permissionless financial products. We’re excited for v4 software to better meet those needs.

If building the future of a decentralized exchange and open finance is something you’re interested in, check out what it’s like to work at dYdX and our open roles!

To ask additional questions, join the discussion on Discord, participate in the dYdX community, or follow us on Twitter. We’re excited to continue building the dYdX Chain and will continue to release updates over the coming months.

Terms and Conditions: This post is subject to the dYdX Terms of Use.  The dYdX interface and products are not available to persons or entities who reside in, are located in, are incorporated in, or have registered offices in the United States or Canada ("Blocked Persons"), or other Restricted Persons (as defined in the dYdX Terms of Use). dYdX products and services are not intended for, and should not be used by, Blocked Persons or Restricted Persons. Terms of Use specific to v4 software can be found here.

dYdX is a decentralised, disintermediated and permissionless protocol, and is not available in the U.S. or to U.S. persons as well as in other restricted jurisdictions. The dYdX Foundation does not operate or participate in the operation of any component of the dYdX Chain's infrastructure.

Nothing in this website should be used or considered as legal, financial, tax, or any other advice, nor as an instruction or invitation to act in any way by anyone. You should perform your own research and due diligence before engaging in any activity involving crypto-assets due to high volatility and risks of loss.

Depositing into the MegaVault carries risks. Do your own research and make sure to understand the risks before depositing funds. MegaVault returns are not guaranteed and may fluctuate over time depending on multiple factors. MegaVault returns may be negative and you may lose your entire investment.

The dYdX Foundation does not operate or has control over the MegaVault and has not been involved in the development, deployment and operation of  any component of the dYdX Unlimited software (including the MegaVault).

Crypto-assets can be highly volatile and trading crypto-assets involves risk of loss, particularly when using leverage. Investment into crypto-assets may not be regulated and may not be adequate for retail investors. Do your own research and due diligence before engaging in any activity involving crypto-assets.